Animals in danger-part1

Popis: 1. Animals and plants as part of our environment. 2. What does it mean to be an endangered species? Why are there some animals in danger? 3. Name some rare animals that are close to extinction and give reasons. 4. What animals live in the wild in our country? Are they endangered? Why yes/no? 5. What is WWF? Why was it found? 6. What organization is the panda bear the symbol of? Why exactly this animal was chosen as a symbol? 7. Do zoos help? What do you think about keeping animals in cages?
Učiteľ: Anonymizovaný GDPRViac
Predmet: Anglický jazyk
Ročník: 4. ročník SŠ (Oktáva OG)
Autor: Lucia Bozová
Typ dokumentu: Učebný materiál
Vytvorené dňa: 31.01.2011 15:24
Formát súboru:
Veľkosť: 2575 kB
Jazyk: English