Popis: Our institution prepared the learning/teaching/training material for the Experimental schooling in the subjects such as Chemistry, Science, Biology, Language in the form of how to use the soil analysis in our school area and biogradable waste from the school canteens ( such as vegetables, fruit leaves the sort of waste that does not have to be delivered out of the canteens). On basis of soil analysis we found the proper place in the school area for the composting plant from biogradable school canteen waste in order to produce the bio-fertilizer and use it in the greenhouse in the school area ( so called fragile enviro-place) to plant the plants for educational purposes. Finally we regularly collect rain water into the water tank in order to water the plants in biogreenhouse.
Učiteľ: Viviána BielikováViac
Predmet: Anglický jazyk, Poľnohospodárske a potravinárske predmety
Ročník: 2. ročník SŠ (Sexta OG), 3. ročník SŠ (Septima OG)
Autor: Viviána Bieliková,Erika Lajtošová, Miroslava Labovská,Klára Korpová
Typ dokumentu: Učebný materiál
Vytvorené dňa: 24.10.2016 16:01
Formát súboru:
Veľkosť: 5700 kB
Jazyk: Slovenčina